Authentication [Deprecated]

If you have created API keys before 17 June 2020, use this Authentication method. If you have created API keys after 17 June 2020, refer Authentication [Stable].



If you have created API keys before 17 June 2020, use this Authentication method. If you have created API keys after 17 June 2020, refer Authentication [Stable].

Authorization header

All calls to the Open API require authentication. You will need to get an access_key and secret_key from the dashboard via the settings page. See Generating access_key and secret_key.

Signing requests

API Key authentication requires each request to be signed, this ensures that your secret key is not part of the transmission.

Making a request

All REST requests must contain the following headers:

Header keyDescription
AuthorizationWhere your signed request information will be transmitted
X-O-TimestampThe timestamp of your request
Request bodyAll request bodies should have a content type of application/json and be valid JSON.

The Authorization header will have the format of

The REQUEST_SIGNATURE is computed by creating a sha256 HMAC using the secret key on the prehash string made using the combination timestamp + method + body.

In case of a GET request, the prehash string should be made as timestamp + method .

//Generation of REQUEST_SIGNATURE for a POST Request

client_request_method = 'POST';

//Your request body
//Please note that below is a sample client body. It changes depending on the API which you are using 

$client_body ='{"amount":"9.00","contact_number":"5119991919","email_id":"","currency":"INR","mtx":"123456XYZ"}';

//Concatinating all together to make prehash string
$string = $client_timestamp_header.$client_request_method.$client_body;

//Use below line in case of GET requests
//$string = $client_timestamp_header.$client_request_method;

//IMPORTANT : Remove all whitespaces and newlines
$string = preg_replace('/\s+/', '', $string);

//Hash generation
$REQUEST_SIGNATURE =  hash_hmac('sha256', $string, $secret_key);


Remove all white spaces and newlines from pre-hash string

There will be whitespaces and newline in a JSON body. Always remove all white spaces and newlines before hashing the string.

Field details for signature generation

timestampThis is the same value as transmitted in the X-O-Timestamp header
methodThe request method in all upper case. Eg : POST
bodyThe JSON body of the request.

There are a lot of online hash generators available. Below is one javascript which you can use for a quick REQUEST_SIGNATURE generation ( Only for testing ).


Generate REQUEST_SIGNATURE from server side

Never share your API secret or expose it in the client-side. The API secret is similar to what a password is. Always generate REQUEST_SIGNATURE at the server-side. The above javascript example is ONLY for representational purpose and is not suppose to be used in production.

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