These are the parameters which will be posted from OPEN to your return URL/Notify URL.

Transaction Response Parameters

Whenever you receive a response for the Status Check API, you should check for the status key.
NOTE : For getting a success response in Sandbox UPI transaction , use the UPI ID as success@open

The Response parameters explained below.

Parameter NameValuesDescription
statuscreated, captured, failed, pending, cancelled , late_authorizedThis parameter will explain the status of transaction
amountNumeric upto 2 decimalsTransaction amount.
currencyINRTransaction currency
customer_nameAlphanumericName of the customer
contact_numbernumeric, 10 digitsMobile number of customer
email_idAlphanumericEmail Id of customer
mtxAlphanumericMerchant transaction id
idAlphanumericPayment id
pg_transaction_idnumericBank reference Id
type_namenet_banking , credit_card, debit_cardPayment mode
udfAlphanumericMerchant can pass any extra parameters in this field