Request ParameterDescription
amountAmount to be debited.(In Rupees, Integer value with 2 decimal) E.g. : 200.00 / 300.12
frequencyThis field will specify the frequency of the Mandate. It can be,
--> OT (One Time), Debit will happen One Time.-----> DL(Daily) , Debit will happen Daily basis .
--> WK (weekly), Debit will happen Weekly
--> MT(Monthly), Debit will happen Monthly
--> AS(As presented ) Merchants can execute the execute Mandate API and do the debit
vpaVPA handle for which the Mandate has to be created
validity_start_dateStart date of UPI mandate validity period (Ex : DD/MM/YYYY) .

The validity_start_date should be greater than the current date .
validate_end_dateEnd date of UPI mandate validity period (Ex : DD/MM/YYYY)
merchant_ref_idThis is an alphanumeric string which will uniquely identify your mandates. Duplicate values are not accepted.
collect_by_dateWithin the mentioned date UPI mandate has to be approved (Format : dd/mm/yyyy) . The approval should be done within 10 AM on that date . After that time Mandate will expire.

The collect_by_date should be greater than the current date .
debit_dayThis field will specifies when the debit should happen.
--> For ‘frequency’ = WK , the value can be from 1 to 7 .
Where 1 means debit will happen on Monday ,
2= Tuesday

--> For ‘frequency’ = MT , the value can be from 1 to 30/31 ( 1 to 30/31
Indicates the date of the month)

-->For ‘frequency = DL & OT , and AS the debit_day parameter is not needed .