Handling payout responses

Whenever you receive a response for the payout API, you should check for the status key.

The status key carries the following standard HTTP codes.

200OKYou request is successful. You can proceed to transaction_status_id to check the status of your transaction.
422Unprocessable EntityIf there is a validation failure in the request
401UnauthorizedYour API authorisation failed
403ForbiddenNo required headers found
502Bad GatewayBank failed to process your request / timeout. You shouldn't mark this transactions as "Failed" based on this response. In some rare cases, these transactions can become successful.
500Internal server errorSomething went wrong on our side.You shouldn't mark this transactions as "Failed" based on this response. In some rare cases, these transactions can become successful.
412Pre-condition failedAny internal required data missing or if service provider is down .You shouldn't mark this transactions as "Failed" based on this response. In some rare cases, these transactions can become successful.

Once a transaction is initiated successfully with 200 OK, you will get a response similar to what shown below. Now you can proceed to handle the transaction_status_id.

    "data": {
        "amount": "10.88",
        "open_transaction_ref_id": "opentxn709523",
        "transaction_status_id": 15,
        "transaction_types_id": 2,
        "purpose": "Credit to vendor",
        "recepient_name": "Amy",
        "email_id": "[email protected]",
        "mobile_number": "1111111111",
        "merchant_ref_id": "AGSH-7DJF-DM5H-HHJ1",
        "debit_account_number": "1234567890",
        "bank_error_message": null,
        "created_at": "12-08-2019 22:11:14"
    "status": 200

Below are the possible values for transaction_status_id. If payout is from connected account

transaction_status_idTransaction StatusStatus Description
15/103/4SuccessTransaction is successful
16PendingWhen transaction is initiated after cut-off timings (NEFT/RTGS).
17FailureTransaction Failed
18SuspectTransaction time-out
19CanceledChecker cancel
20ProcessingWhen transaction is initiated after cut-off timings (NEFT/RTGS).
21Pending for ProcessingWhen transaction is initiated after cut-off timings (NEFT/RTGS).
37/58/63/37The transaction failed because IFSC code is not supported for transactions or Invalid. This means either the beneficiary branch is new or not supported by ICICI for transactionsThe transaction failed because IFSC code is not supported for transactions or Invalid. This means either the beneficiary branch is new or not supported by ICICI for transactions
353/343Failure. There won't be any debit from the accountUPI failure
350PendingDon't reinitiate the transactions. The transaction will get processed in some time.

Please find the complete list of Transaction status ids here

Below are the possible values for transaction_status_id. If payout is from open pay virtual account

transaction_status_idTransaction StatusStatus Description
1InitiatedPayout Initiated
2Request File GeneratedPayout request file has generated and send to bank
4 / 15 / 103SuccessPayout Transaction is success
10reversedTransaction has been reversed
37Transaction failed because IFSC code is not supported for transactions. This means either the beneficiary branch is new or not supported transactions. Please contact support for enabling transaction for the IFSC code.Transaction failed because IFSC code is not supported for transactions. This means either the beneficiary branch is new or not supported transactions. Please contact support for enabling transaction for the IFSC code.
353/343Failure. There won't be any debit from the accountUPI failure
350PendingDon't reinitiate the transactions. The transaction will get processed in some time.

Please find the complete list of Transaction status ids here

Apart from the above responses, there are some bank-specific responses which need to be handled. The transaction responses come as 502 as shown below.

    "data": {
        "bank_response_message": "Transaction failed during processing, due to Beneficiary account is blocked\/frozen. [Sandbox]",
        "status": 502


Do not reinitiate a transaction based on status 502 or error responses

Sometimes, transactions get timed out within the bank's systems. These transactions shouldn't be considered as failed and do not re-attempt transaction as it can result in double credits to the beneficiary. The final status of the transaction will take 72 hours to get updated on GET /payouts/{merchant_ref_id} API.